The last year has been a stressful time for people from all around New Zealand and many people have suffered from anxiety ranging severity from a background of worry to an overpowering force which can lead to difficulty sleeping, a racing heart, panic attacks, fatigue, digestive upset, sweating or headaches, interfering with your ability to live your life.
Whilst anxiety can often feel insurmountable there are several habits you can develop to minimize the effects.
Mindfulness is the act of focusing on the present moment, drawing your attention away from the mental chatter and anxious thoughts by turning in to your physical senses (ie what is happening in your environment and body).
When you're in the grip, mindfulness may seem impossible. However a growing number of scientific research shows that practicing mindfulness daily can actually break the cycle of worry. Making it one of the most effective habits for gaining peace of mind.
Here are some tips for making mindfulness easier.
Journaling regularly can help you express and understand your anxiety triggers. By putting your worries down on paper, journaling can help you deconstruct anxious thoughts, examine emotions and situations, or even help you seek solutions to your triggers.
Here are two methods that may be helpful to anxiety.
Next brainstorm some steps you could take to overcome the problem (e.g. creating a schedule) and break these into smaller action items (e.g. set up a calender to track your schedule, set reminders to help you stick to it) lastly create some realistic goals to help you complete these actions.
Monitor your progress on a regular basis and celebrate any positive changes you have experienced since implementing your action plan.
Neurotransmitters are messenger modules made by your brain, they carry signals throughout it, influencing your mood. They also carry messages between your brain and other cells in your body (such as your muscles) boosting feel good neurotransmitters can reduce anxiety and relieve muscle tension.
A successful exercise regime can involve any kind of physical activity, such as walking, jogging, swimming, hiking or playing sports. I love to go tramping and walking the Wither Hills.
It can be anything that moves your body for at least 2.5 to 5 hours a week.
Start by easing yourself in to a few shorter sessions first, and carve out some time in your schedule to make exercise a consistent habit.
Asking a family or friend to join you adds the extra bonus of connecting with loved ones who can help you feel supported as you work to improve your anxiety.
For centuries herbal medicine has been used to sooth an anxious mind. We now know that many of these herbs work by increasing the activity of a calming neurotransmitter, gamma aminobutyric (GABA) the neurotransmitter reduces brain activity, helping you feel less anxious without making your drowsy, and also eases muscle tension.
Botanical combinations that can help you when anxiety kicks in:
When it comes to easing your anxiety, mindfulness, journaling and regular exercise can offer profound benefits. Beyond this natural medicine in the form of herbs and nutrients can also bring greater sense of calm.
I have also helped my clients with Journey Work going inside and dealing with the anxiety or past traumas has great benefits.
Anxiety can be difficult to manage so for help finding high quality treatment options that are most likely to help in your particular case contact Julia at Julia's Herbal Health.
A combination of diet and lifestyle changes alongside natural medicine will help you manage your anxiety, empowering you to get back to the life you love naturally.
We are here for you!
☎ 03 578 8077
🏠 6 Severne Street, Blenheim 7201
Facebook: JuliasHerbalHealthNZ
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